Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Team Fitness

I have been going to gym for a while now, but  recently I am not motivated to go! Since it is March tomorrow, a dear friend and I have made a 6 month pact of fitness. This "pact" requires me to weigh myself, I have to tell you I have a love hate relationship with the scale! It never seems to project the numbers I want and I prefer to use a pair of old skinny jeans as my "scale". This perfect pair of jeans is my ideal size since its my first year of varsity jeans which  I would love to fit into again. The fitness pact also involves me measuring my tummy, I blame the yellow bikini photo of Beyonce for this!!!! It has left me and other young girls around the world wishing and not eating for that toned tummy. The fitness pact requires me and my dear friend Zama to have monthly meetings with the measuring tape, monitoring progress and so forth. So, tonight is my last day of having excuses and acting like I do not really care. I do not want Ruby thighs and Doris arms, instead I just want to see want a healthier and toned me would look like. Even better, what I would look like in the bikini I will get from this fitness pact. 

              (Images from Pinterest and google)

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